Jim Farrell’s T-Engine/ UID Articles in RFID Product News
The T-Engine and UID Projects are follow on the success of the TRON Project in Japan. Since 2005, a number of articles have been published to explain the concepts of the T-Engine and the UID projects. Recently, while searching the Internet for something, I stumbled across an article on RFID Product News that was written by Jim Farrell. Now, Jim is quite a respected person in the industry and I got in touch with him about the article. It emerged that there isn’t one article – there are actually five articles that he’s written for RFID Product News about the T-Engine/ TRON Project/ UID.
So, I searched up the links. The articles do make interesting reading and provide a background to some of the things that are going on in the T-Engine/ UID world. Before I get to the links for the articles, here’s a brief biography of Jim Farrell:

Jim Farrell started his technical career at EAI, in New Jersey, solving applications problems for computers in simulation projects. In 1976, Farrell joined Motorola semiconductor in Austin, Texas. During his first nine years at Motorola he managed the successful introduction of several 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microprocessor and microcontroller families, including the industry-standard 6805 and 68000.
Prior to rejoining Motorola in Austin in 1994, Jim spent nine years with VLSI Technology, Inc. in Tempe, Arizona and San Jose, California. During this period, he successfully directed PR and marketing communications for ASIC devices, PC chip sets and ARM products.
In his most recent corporate position at Motorola, he led the public relations campaigns for several microcontrollers, digital television chips, set-top boxes and digital audio chips (56300 DSP audio series). Jim’s activities included five successful trademarking campaigns.
A graduate of the U.S. Armed Forces Institute (Tokyo, Japan) and LaSalle University with a Bachelor of Computer Science in 1971, Farrell is also a Senior Member of the IEEE. He has authored over 100 technical articles and papers on microprocessors, microcontrollers and related topics.
Jim served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE MICRO magazine, and has served on the WESCON Technical Program Committee, as well as other technical conference program committees, both in the U.S. and abroad. Jim is currently the Director of the T-Engine Forum, USA Liaison Office.
Links to the Articles
So, here are the links to the articles on RFID Product News. I should point out that TE@Onghu is no way affiliated with RFID Product News and obviously, we take no responsibility for the content on external sites. I’ve just linked these up to make it easier to find the articles.
- T-Engine Forum is Moving New RFID Technology Forward in Asia Markets
- Tokyo’s T-Engine Forum Envisions Universal Passive Identification
- Dr. Ken Sakamura Has a Bold Vision of Enabling Technology
- Pacific Rim Initiatives Involve Industry, Universities, And Governments
- Tokyo Midtown Introduces RFID Technology Throughout Its Roppongi Shopping Mall