The T-Engine Platform
The T-Engine is an open platform for the development of real-time and embedded systems. It comprises a hardware and software platform, standardized by the T-Engine Forum in Japan. The T-Engine Forum consists of more than 450 members from industrial and academic circles.
TE@Onghu (this section of the Onghu site) is dedicated to this exciting technology and is one of the leading sources of English information about the T-Engine. Here, you can find technical resources, links to other people using the T-Engine and extensive information about how to use and customize the operating system.
The site is maintained by Mohit Sindhwani, and supported by a network of contributors using the T-Engine. If you would like to contribute a related article or a piece of information, please get in touch by sending an e-mail to or use the contact form. News pieces are further down the page.
TRONSHOW 2008 is from Dec 12, 2007 to Dec 14, 2007. TE@Onghu is collecting information at the show – reports and photos are here.
For more details, see or email
Information for companies using the T-Engine
If you are looking for specific information regarding T-Engine projects, the process of porting the T-Kernel or for people to represent your products in different regions, TE@Onghu may be able to help connect you. Also, you can list your T-Engine products and projects on this site for free. [Click for More Information]
Articles in English
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Solutions from Personal Media Corporation (PMC) [Dec 16, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – T-Engine Showcase [Dec 16, 2009]
- T-Engine Developer Network (TEDN) BBS seeking beta-users [Dec 15, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems [Dec 11, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Republic Polytechnic Singapore [Dec 11, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Ryukoku University [Dec 11, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Microsoft and .NET on T-Kernel [Dec 10, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Multi-processing with MP T-Kernel [Dec 10, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Keynote Speech [Dec 09, 2009]
- TRONSHOW 2010 – Inauguration [Dec 09, 2009]
- eSOL provides eT-Kernel to Bosch [Oct 11, 2009]
- Japanese Company offers µITRON based hardware RTOS [Sep 29, 2009]
- The T-Engine: Tomorrow Happening Today [Sep 24, 2009]
- Connect with other T-Engine users on LinkedIN [Apr 25, 2009]
- TEBBS is Back! Changes coming soon… [Apr 16, 2009]
- SDI Device Driver Guide – Part 2 [Apr 01, 2008]
- HOWTO: Assembly Language Interrupt Service Routines [Mar 31, 2008]
- HOWTO: Load an Application at System Startup [Mar 30, 2008]
- SDI Device Driver Guide – Part 1 [Mar 29, 2008]
- Ubiquitous ID Technologies 2008 [Mar 28, 2008]
- μT-Kernel Patch Spotted [Mar 27, 2008]
- HOWTO: Define your own Interrupt Handler [Mar 26, 2008]
- What’s the difference between ITRON and T-Engine? [Mar 25, 2008]
- Short Note: Source files for T-Engine Device Driver Interface Library [Mar 24, 2008]
- T-News: Updated Specifications & Source Code [Mar 13, 2008]
- T-Engine 2008 [Mar 12, 2008]
- Jim Farrell’s T-Engine/ UID Articles in RFID Product News [Jan 22, 2008]
- T-Engine & UID Explained (Panels from TRONSHOW 2008) [Jan 21, 2008]
- Who’s using T-Engine/ T-Kernel? [Dec 04, 2007]
- T-Engine and FPGA Development [Nov 10, 2007]
- Timeline for T-Engine Activities [Nov 08, 2007]
- New Platforms for the T-Engine [Apr 20, 2007]
- Using GDB with T-Engine [Apr 19, 2007]
- Introducing the μT-Kernel [Apr 18, 2007]
- Developing with μT-Engine/Nios II [Apr 17, 2007]
- T-Kernel Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Seamless Middleware Development [Apr 16, 2007]
- T-Engine/ T-Kernel Downloads [Apr 13, 2007]
- Opinion Piece: On Real-Time Processing in Networks [Apr 12, 2007]
- T-Kernel CPU Support [Apr 11, 2007]
- Introducing EmPresent [Apr 10, 2007]
- Future Directions with the T-Kernel [Apr 09, 2007]
- Recommended Reading about the T-Engine [Feb 17, 2007]
- Updating the T-Engine Flash Memory [May 28, 2006]
- Anatomy of a T-Engine System Call [May 01, 2006]
- Introducing the T-Monitor [Apr 22, 2006]
- Building and Running a Sample Program [Sep 30, 2005]
- Expansion Options on the T-Engine [Sep 22, 2005]
- Installing the T-Engine Kit under Linux (Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux) [Sep 19, 2005]
- Booting the T-Engine from USB [Sep 02, 2005]
- T-Kernel Porting: Files to Port [Jul 31, 2005]
- Planning Your T-Kernel Port [Jun 01, 2005]
- Getting Started with T-Engine Programming [Feb 25, 2005]
- Obtaining the Source for the T-Kernel [Feb 15, 2005]
- Obtaining T-Engine Hardware [Feb 11, 2005]
Articles in other languages
As TE@Onghu expands its reach, there is growing momentum to have technical articles and news in languages other than English. These are the articles that are currently available in other languages.
Chinese [Homepage]
- IMS基本使用规则及命令 (IMS Command Reference) [Nov 11, 2007]
- 推荐阅读材料 (T-Engine: Recommended Reading) [Nov 09, 2007]
- T-新闻:TRON Show 2008将于2007年12月12号到14号举行 (TRON Show 2008 in Dec 2007) [Nov 10, 2007]
- UID中国中心对T-Engine平台的介绍 [Nov 06, 2007]
Thai [Homepage]
- ฮาร์ดแวร์ที-เอ็นจิน (Obtaining T-Engine Hardware) [Nov 17, 2007]
- การบูตที-เอนจิ้นโดยใช้ยูเอสบี (Booting the T-Engine from USB) [Nov 17, 2007]
Help the TE@Onghu Site
I would like to make this web-site available in as many different languages as possible. If you know some other language and are willing to help by translating pages of this site, please contact me. It will really help in making this site a good reference for all people who do not know Japanese. [Information & FAQ]
Recent News Items
- PMC Announces International Retail Site for T-Engine Products [Oct 01, 2009]
- T-Kernel/MP Source Code is Released [Apr 20, 2009]
- T-News: TRON Show 2009 from Dec 10 – Dec 12, 2008 [Jun 07, 2008]
- T-News: T-Engine at Open Source India Week 2008 [Feb 10, 2008]
- SH/M32R T-Engine Website Releases Micro T-Kernel for M16C [Jan 28, 2008]
- T-News: Navigation-focused CPU with T-Kernel Support [Dec 03, 2007]
- T-News: T-Engine featured in ‘Electronics For You’ [Nov 05, 2007]
- Special Announcement: T-Engine/ T-Kernel Developer Forum/ BBS [Apr 15, 2007]
- T-News: T-Engine Information in Korean [Apr 13, 2007]
- T-News: TRON Show 2008 from Dec 12 – Dec 14, 2007 [Apr 10, 2007]
- T-News: Micro T-Kernel Source and Specification Released [Apr 02, 2007]
- T-Engine Introduced at UK-Singapore Workshop in Microelectronics and Embedded Systems [Feb 13, 2007]
- TRONWeb Article about the Multi-processor T-Kernel [Dec 05, 2006]
- T-News: TRON Show 2007 from Dec 5 ~ Dec 7, 2006 [Nov 10, 2006]
- T-News: T-Kernel Version 1.02.02 Released [Nov 10, 2006]
- TRONWeb Articles about the T-Kernel/SE [Nov 09, 2006]
- T-News: T-Kernel/ Standard Extension Source Released [Nov 09, 2006]
- T-News: More T-Engine Specifications Opened to the Public [Jul 10, 2006]
- T-Kernel Porting Guide Released [Jun 03, 2006]
- T-News: Numerous T-Engine Specifications Opened to the Public [Jun 01, 2006]
- T-News: New T-Engine (SH/M32R) Free Software Website Launched [Apr 25, 2006]
- T-News: T-Kernel Version 1.02.01 Released [Feb 16, 2006]
- T-News: Introductory Material from T-Engine Forum [Nov 22, 2005]
- T-News: PMC Announces T-Engine4U website [Nov 17, 2005]
- T-News: TRON Show 2006 from Dec 14 ~ Dec 16, 2005 [Oct 26, 2005]
- T-News: SH7145 Micro T-Engine Now Available [Oct 10, 2005]
- T-News: FAT File System for T-Engine [Sep 13, 2005]
- T-News: T-Engine Forum’s BBS [Jul 30, 2005]
- T-News: New T-Engine Board to be Available Soon [Jul 04, 2005]
- T-News: Xilinx FPGA Expansion Board for T-Engine [Jun 16, 2005]
- T-News: T-Engine Forum Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Policy [Apr 03, 2005]
Links to Main Resources
There are a number of online resources for people interested in the T-Engine. The following sites will be of interest to English-speaking people.
- T-Engine Forum:
- T-Engine Application Development Centre, Singapore:
- TRON Web:
- TRON Association:
- TRON Show 2008 Website:
If you would like me to add you/ your company to this list, please email me.
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