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TRON Show 2008 – what’s happening?

Compiled by Mohit Sindhwani with help from Chan Siew Kiat and Fauzi Abbas.

The TRON Show is the annual show organized by the TRON Forum (also including the T-Engine Forum) in Tokyo in December. Forum members demonstrate their products and concept prototypes, based on technologies evolving from the TRON Project. The Forum itself demonstrates some of the research and development work that they have done in the past year. It is a grand show where you get a good idea of the things that are happening in the world of TRON, T-Engine and the UID Center.

This year, the show will be held from Dec 12 (Wed) to Dec 14 (Fri) at the Tokyo International Forum. As always, a number of companies are expected to showcase their products and solutions for the T-Engine. I expect that there will be a number of international visitors also. There will also be a number of seminars and talks where you can learn about the T-Engine and Ubiquitous ID initiatives.

The main website for the TRON Show 2008 is at: The website is quite informative and you can find a map of the exhibition and more information about the exhibitors. Of course, most of that information will not be available for some months but the TRON Show 2007 Report is already online.

Dec 11, 2007: Getting Ready

It’s Dec 11, 2007 and the evening has just come to an end. Teams of people have been working hard through the day to set up their demos and presentations. The big day is tomorrow and slowly, the booths, the Internet, the power extensions, the posters and the demos are starting to come together.

Here are some pictures from the day. If wait till all the thumbnails have loaded, you can just click on any of the images below to start a slide show. Cursor keys move you between the previous and next pictures. ESC key will return you to this page.

The show is open to exhibitors from 8 AM tomorrow, so some people will make use of that opportunity to do some final testing before the VIPs and the guests start to arrive.