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Need help or representation with the T-Engine?

If you’re working on a T-Engine project or are porting the T-Kernel, or would like to find representation for your T-Engine related projects, products or middleware in Singapore and the region, get in touch. TE@Onghu may be able to connect you to the right people in different regions.

Having ported the T-Kernel to the Infineon TriCore and being an integral part of the only independent T-Engine consulting company in Singapore (and the region), I can help you with your project and/ or let my company itself represent your work in Singapore and the region. I have been working with the T-Engine for quite a while, and am very familiar with the porting process – but have not had enough time to write up all the information and upload it here. But, if you need specific help, I’d be happy to help find you the information that you need.

I, myself, am very keen to port the kernel to other processors and to promote the T-Engine. So, I’d be keen to pitch in and help your efforts. I’d also like to hear from people who are using the T-Engine. Just drop me an email at

If you want me to upload a list of T-Engine related products that your company offers, please send the information to me so that I can add it to the TE@Onghu website.