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On 31st May 2006, the T-Engine Forum has made a number of specifications available to the public. The specifications are available in both English and Japanese and can be downloaded from the T-Engine Forum’s website. The direct link to the page that has the specifications is: for English users.
From the website, the following is the list of specifications that are now available to the public:
- T-Monitor Specification TEF020-S002-01.00.00/en
- T-Format (2): T-Engine Vendor Code System TEF040-S102-01.01.01/en
- T-Format (3): Global Symbol Naming Rule in C Language TEF040-S103-01.01.00/en
- T-Format(4): Binary Code Format TEF040-S104-01.00.00/en
- T-Engine Standard Device Driver Specification TEF040-S211-01.00.00/en
- Standard MIDI Device Driver Specification TEF040-S212-01.00.00/en
- Standard Audio Device Driver Specification TEF040-S213-01.00.00/en
- T-Engine Device Driver Interface Library Specification TEF040-S215-01.00.00/en
- T-Kernel Specification TEF020-S001-01.00.00/en
- UC VoIP Profile Specification TEF050-S401-01.00.00/en
- e2TP Messaging API Specification TEF950-S002-01.00.00/en
- TENeT V.1.0 Messaging Specification TEF950-S004-01.00.00/en
- TENeT V.1.0 OUTLINE TEF950-S000-01.00.00/en
- e2TP Message Specification TEF950-S003-01.00.00/en
- TENeT e-Right/e-Money Transaction API Specification TEF950-S003-01.00.00/en
The site has a long list of specifications as you can see, so happy reading! :-)
- T-Engine Forum Specifications Page –