Good news for you if you speak Korean and are interested in T-Engine information! The T-Engine Korea Center website is now operational and there is quite a bit of information there in Korean. The whole website itself is available in Korean and English but it should be noted that it often links to content that is either in Japanese or in English.
Right now, some of the material has been translated into Korean. For example, you can read news items and even the T-License in Korean. Rather interestingly, there is also a section called column that has technical information in Korean (right now, there is one article about cross compilation). However, most of the remaining pages have been translated into Korean but link to content in English or Japanese. For example, on the specifications page, you can read the name of the specification in Korean, but the PDF files that it links to are either in Japanese or in English. This is most likely because the specification is probably not yet available in Korean itself. However, this is a good first step.
The link to the website is: