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T-Kernel Porting Guide Released

very comprehensive and detailed guide has been released on the SH/M32R T-Engine website. This is, by far, the most complete document that I have yet seen about the porting process. The guide is 74 pages long and does an excellent job of explaining how to port the T-Kernel to a new hardware.

The guide is divided into four main chapters and a list of references (in which the TE@Onghu site is also mentioned). After a brief introduction, the guide explains some of the main issues relating to the specifications. I’ve extracted the table of contents below:

  1. Introduction
    • Preconditions
  2. Examination of the T-Kernel Implementation Specifications
    • CPU (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 1)
    • Memory (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 2)
    • Interrupts and Exceptions (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 3)
    • Initialization and Startup Processing (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 4)
    • Definition of T-Kernel Implementation (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 5)
    • System Configuration Information (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 6)
    • Resources Used by the T-Kernel (Implementation Specifications, Chapter 7)
  3. Construction of a T-Kernel Source Tree
    • System Name
      • Detailed Description of the T-Kernel Source Code
      • The etc Directory
      • The include Directory
      • The config Directory
      • The lib Directory
      • The kernel Directory
    • Implementation of the T-Monitor
      • Hardware Initialization and System Startup Processing
      • Exception/Interrupt Entry Processing
      • Implementation of Monitor Service Functions
  4. Operational Confirmation and Adaptation/Optimization
    • Operational Confirmation
    • Adaptation and Optimization
  5. References

As you can tell, this is an absolutely essential guide for you if you are porting the T-Kernel to a new hardware.
