T-Engine Introduced at UK-Singapore Workshop in Microelectronics and Embedded Systems
On 23rd and 24th January 2007, the UK Singapore Workshop in Microelectronics and Embedded Systems 2007 (MES 2007) was held in Singapore. The event was jointly organized by the British High Commission in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, The Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research. There were eight keynote talks by members of academia and industry on various issues related to the microelectronics and embedded systems.
Mr Osamu Yamashiro, Managing Director of Renesas Technologies Asia Pacific, Singapore made a keynote presentation entitled “TRON/T-Engine way to Ubiquitous Computing Society” and introduced the salient ideas and driving philosophies behind ubiquitous computing and the T-Engine. He touched on the ideas behind TRON/ T-Engine and also spoke about the concepts of “Barrier-free design” and “Universal Design” – concepts aimed at ensuring that computer technology is leveraged on to benefit every single individual in the society. His presentation also included information about some of the pilot projects in Japan and introducted the T-Engine Forum and the organization of activities in Singapore.
Photo Gallery
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Details of the workshop and keynotes are at the IET website and Mr Yamashiro’s talk slides can be downloaded from there, or by directly using this link [PDF Slides].
- IET Website: http://www.iee.org/OnComms/PN/mes/mes07PRESENTATIONS.cfm
- MES 2007 Website: http://www.mes2007.ntu.edu.sg/