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The T-Engine Forum has released the specification and the source code for micro T-Kernel. The Micro T-Kernel is targeted at small-scale embedded systems, essentially systems with restricted computing power, RAM and ROM. It is expected that developers will use the Micro T-Kernel in deeply embedded environments and will want to create extremely optimized versions of the kernel. For these reasons, the the T-Engine Forum does not control the source code implementation of the micro T-Kernel. Instead, they provide a reference implementation that can be used by developers. At this stage, the reference implementation is available for the H8S and the ARM7TDMI. Developers can choose to use either the reference implementation or create their own version based on the specification.

However, there has been an attempt to maintain maximum compatibility between the micro T-Kernel and the T-Kernel. For example, core functions in both kernels are identical. In this manner, the uT-Kernel is a sort of subset of the T-Kernel. If a developer uses only the API available in the uT-Kernel, it is my understanding that the program would work on the T-Kernel.

The specification is available from the Specifications Page of the T-Engine Forum’s website and the reference source code can be got from the Download page on the site. As with all source code downloads from the T-Engine Forum, you need to read and agree to the license conditions and submit your details. The URL and access details will be e-mailed to you. Since every application is manually screened by the T-Engine Forum’s Office, you will not receive the details instantly. It may take a day or two (up to 1 week).
