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Obtaining the Source for the T-Kernel

To enable efficient middleware distribution, the T-Engine Forum maintains single source for the T-Kernel. This source code is produced by the T-Engine Forum. It comprises platform independent code for the core operating system, and CPU-specific code for a number of processors.

If you want to work with the open-source version of the T-Kernel, the first thing is to obtain a copy of the T-Kernel source for yourself. For this, you need to go on over to the website of the T-Engine Forum and register for a copy of the source. The link is called Subscription to T-Kernel and it takes you to a page that explains the process in simple terms, and also gives you a brief overview of the license that accompanies the source.

The process is quite simple – and the full thing will probably take you 5 minutes (depending on how long it takes you to read the license) but this is what you need to do:

  • Click on Subscription – this brings up a copy of the T-License
  • Accept the license
  • Select the contract that applies to you: Corporate or Individual
  • Fill out the form that comes up and you’re done!

I think each application is manually processed, so you should be aware that it will take about a week from the time you register to the time you receive an e-mail giving you a user-name and password that you can use to download the source code.

So, if you’re reading this late at night, overcome by the drive to get started, you’ll need to cool off for a while – and wait till you receive the user-name and password. On the other hand, it may be a good idea to register as soon as possible and use the waiting time to understand the license and get the other things in order.

What do you receive?

The email from the T-Engine Forum will give you a download location, user name and password. You can use this to download the kernel source again at a later date. At this time, you can download the following items from the download location:

  • T-Kernel Specification (in English) – version 1.00.00 (as on Oct 26, 2005)
  • T-Kernel Source Code

The current open source version of the T-Kernel does not include support for memory management and does not include any drivers – it is only the T-Kernel. Other pieces of open source software will also be made available in due course.

As such, there is no technical support for the open source version of the T-Kernel, but feel free to come back to this website and ask if you have any questions – if we know the answers, we’ll get right back to you. Also, the content on this site is growing – so, it’s likely that you may find the answers on this site!

English or Japanese?

You can register for the source either from the English language site or from the Japanese language page. When you access the download site, the language of the site will depending on the page you register from. If you register from the Japanese webpage, you will be taken to the Japanese download page – if you register from the English page, you will be taken to a download page in English. Of course, the source code is the same in both cases. However, the Japanese download page has Implementation Guides for the SH7727, SH7751, VR5500, ARM720-S1C, ARM920-MX1, M32104 and VR4131 processors. These guides are available only in Japanese, but are quite helpful if you are porting the kernel to a different processor.