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TRONSHOW 2010 – Multi-processing with MP T-Kernel

MP T-Kernel is designed to meet the needs of running embedded software on multi-core or multi-CPU options. Currently, it supports CPUs from Renesas (SH core) and NEC (ARM core). At the TRONSHOW, there were a few demos using the MP T-Kernel to demonstrate its performance. We managed to capture a few videos while we were there.

The first video is a demonstration of SH2A Dual running MP T-Kernel and doing image processing. The images are captured in real-time using a camera and different types of processing operations are done on the images. The processed images are pushed to the LCD also in real-time.

The second video is a demo of a dual-core Renesas SH7776 running SMP T-Kernel and doing video processing. A number of video streams are decoded in real-time using the two CPU cores.

The final video is an interesting demo of MP T-Kernel running on a quad-core CPU from NEC. The four cores are shared between two kernels: one kernel uses 3 CPU cores and does video decoding (frames on right); the other kernel uses only 1 CPU core and runs a profiling application (left). The full system runs under the MP T-Kernel with the 3 CPU cores running under MP T-Kernel in SMP mode, while the two kernels run in an AMP fashion. The demo shows how the performance degrades as the CPU cores are switched off one at a time.

However, MP T-Kernel is not just talk – eSol’s implementation of the MP T-Kernel is already in use in the Colorio printers from Epson