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T-Engine & UID Explained (Panels from TRONSHOW 2008)

In many different articles, there has been an attempt to explain the concepts of the T-Engine and the UID. However, at TRONSHOW 2008 (Dec 2007), T-Engine Forum went to extraordinary lengths to create a large number of posters that accurately explained each of the technology pieces that make up the T-Engine and UID puzzle. The panels were in both English and Japanese, and were some of the best pieces of information about the two technologies.

At the show, and soon after, I spoke with people from T-Engine Forum and requested them to make the panels available. Finally, it seems that the panels have been released for the public.

There are about 50 slides that discuss the details about the T-Engine. In all, these slides cover every aspect of the T-Engine and T-Kernel stack, and are divided into the following sections:

  1. What is T-Engine? Why T-Engine?
  2. T-Engine, Scope of T-Kernel and Roadmap
  3. T-Kernel
  4. μT-Kernel
  5. T-Kernel Standard Extension
  6. Multiprocessor Support & MP T-Kernel
  7. Eclipse with T-Engine
  8. TRON Engineer Certification

In a similar sense, there are about 70 panels that cover all aspects of the Ubiquitous ID. It covers different types of tags, the infrastructure, traceability, and even provides information about a number of feasibility studies and some of the deployments.

I’m told that some of the panels are being revised and will be formally released after some time. However, until then, the following links will connect you to some of the next information!

Happy reading!