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TRONWeb Articles about the T-Kernel/SE

Mr TRONWeb has been working very hard to put together some good reference material for the T-Kernel/Standard Extension. This information is very timely because the TK/SE source code has just been released by the T-Engine Forum.

The articles on TRONWeb have been translated from the TRONWare magazine and taken together, these three articles provide a comprehensive introduction to the T-Kernel/SE. The articles that have been put up are:

  • Migration from T-Kernel to T-Kernel/Standard Extension Vol. 99 of TRONWARE (June 2006)
  • The Functions of T-Kernel/Standard Extension Vol. 99 of TRONWARE (June 2006)
  • What Is T-Kernel/Standard Extension? Vol. 99 of TRONWARE (June 2006)

The articles are quite detailed and provide a good clear picture if you are starting with the TK/SE.
